The professionalisation of social work in the Czech Republic (TAČR (TL01000146)

The project aims to analyse the processes of professionalisation of social work in the Czech Republic. The project will be carried out quantitative and qualitative research to clarify the level and determinants of professionalisation of social workers. The output of the project will be a description of 25 job positions of social workers in the Czech Republic, a professional map and proposals for innovation of minimum standards in education in social work, further education and specialisation in education. The principal researcher of the project is the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Another partner is the Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University.
Project duration: 1. 2. 2018 - 28. 2. 2021
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Service-learning in higher education – fostering the third mission of universities and civic engagement of students (2017-1-SK01-KA203-035352)

The SLIHE project envisions strategy for service-learning, thanks to which universities fulfil their third mission and prepare a new generation of experts.
The project builds partnerships between the sectors and develops cooperation between the universities and public and non-governmental organisations in the region.
The project builds on the needs of an international dimension - to motivate students to civic engagement and enable teachers to support the social role of higher education institutions (HEIs).
Main objectives:
- to strengthen the capacities of HEIs related to the fulfilment of their third mission
- to enhance the civic engagement of students through the implementation of service-learning
- to improve the quality and relevance of study offered in the field of implementation of service-learning strategy in higher education
- Teacher training about service-learning and handbook for trainers
- Handbook for teachers
- Recommendations for the implementation of service-learning in higher education and examples of good practices
- International conference Spring 2020
Project duration: 1. 9. 2017 – 31. 5. 2020
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International Credit Mobility (KA107)

The aim of the project is international credit mobility KA107 between the programs and partner countries. The project supports the following types of mobility: SMS - student mobility for study stays, SMP - student mobility for internships and STA - study stays in the following countries - Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine.
Project duration: 1 September 2018 - 31 July 2020
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